The curtain is lastly dropping on The Ellen DeGeneres Show after 19 lengthy seasons. The comic introduced the top of her as soon as wildly standard speak present on Wednesday, Might 12.”If you’re a artistic particular person, you always have to be challenged — and as nice as this present is, and as enjoyable as it’s, it is simply not a problem anymore,” she advised The Hollywood Reporter in an interview.The Ellen DeGeneres Show acquired reward and accolades from early on. Due to the titular host’s quirky dance breaks, hilarious video games, large giveaways, and down-to-earth interviews, the NBC sequence turned a success with viewers.Though the present introduced itself in a light-hearted and constructive mild, its status was tarnish in 2020 after BuzzFeed printed an article detailing misconduct allegations from former workers. Studies of a poisonous work surroundings have been closely outlined in a report which printed the claims of 36 nameless former workers. These people claimed “harassment, sexual misconduct, and assault from high producers” of The Ellen DeGeneres Show.